From Passion to Purpose: Discovering the Magic of Working at 3MetaD!

From Passion to Purpose: Discovering the Magic of Working at 3MetaD!

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Saida Zeidan

Saida Zeidan

At 3MetaD, a leading company in the web3 technology and NFT innovation space, I find immense satisfaction in transforming my passion for emerging technologies into purpose-driven work. Here are some reasons why I cherish my time at this pioneering startup:

  1. Opportunity to make a difference 3MetaD allows me to contribute to the web3 revolution, delving into the potential of NFTs, blockchain technology, and decentralized platforms. By creating innovative products and services, fostering a culture of innovation, and supporting communities through CSR initiatives, I can make a lasting impact on the company and the world.
  2. Room for growth 3MetaD offers ample opportunities for personal and professional growth. In this fast-paced environment, employees are encouraged to be adaptable, flexible, and take on new challenges, allowing me to acquire new skills, tackle diverse responsibilities, and advance quickly as the company expands.
  3. Dynamic and fast-paced environment Startups like 3MetaD are known for their dynamic work environments. Rapid changes and the need to adjust our approach keep things fresh and exciting. I have the opportunity to work on various projects and confront new challenges every day.
  4. Embracing creativity In the innovative atmosphere at 3MetaD, there's significant room for creativity and experimentation. Startups aren't bound by the same restrictions as larger companies, granting me the freedom to explore groundbreaking ideas and push boundaries.
  5. Strong sense of community At 3MetaD, the 'Tribe' mentality fosters a strong sense of community. Our team comprises global talents, promoting camaraderie and support among small teams. Everyone works towards a common goal and is invested in the company's success.

Unity is integral to our ethos and is exemplified in 3MetaD's Orc Nation NFT Collection. Our shared vision, collaborative environment, culture of innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and commitment to diversity and inclusion all contribute to our sense of unity. Working at 3MetaD is more than just a job; it's a thriving community that makes the experience genuinely rewarding.